Why Build a Website as a Travel Vlogger?
Welcome to the blog of Traveling Kunz! This is my first blog post on my new website. For starters, I want to tell you my motivation to build this website as an amateur travel vlogger and provide an outlook of what to expect from this blog in the future.

Firstly, out of curiosity, I wanted to challenge myself by building a website from scratch, which I have never done before. Since I lack formal knowledge or experience in this area, I ask you to overlook some of the inevitable flaws you may find.
Secondly, on a more personal note, I intended to share background insights about myself and my video content. Every few weeks, I want to reflect on the most stunning locations I have visited and share some of my thoughts that I could not fully express in my videos.
Alongside a blog series about the great locations I covered in my videos, I also aim to write articles about the many remarkable characters I have met while filming content for my YouTube channel.
Now and then, I also hope to find time to write content around traveling in Taiwan and video vlogging, but it will take time. I do all of this in my free time, with my first priority always being to produce new videos. However, since I am not constantly traveling, it is nice to take a moment to look back and reflect sometimes, especially about Kinmen Island.
Information About Travel Vlogger, Traveling in Taiwan and Kinmen
Besides the future content that I am hopefully able to deliver, I also already prepared a few things. You find a page about Traveling Kunz, my YouTube Channel, and I also have a small page about myself, Ferdinand Kunz. Just some basics to help you understand my motivation and challenges to produce travel videos.
I also collected information about the topics I talk about the most such as Kinmen Island and Traveling in Taiwan. Most importantly, I have a contact page and hope that you reached out to me. I am always glad to hear new ideas for videos and get feedback in general.
In the next blog post, I will share my thoughts about “How to become a travel vlogger“. To stay updated, I suggest following me on Facebook.
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